Milestone Projects

 Milestone Project Review

Architecture Façade

    This first assignment is a little funny to look back on, considering all of the new Rhino skills I've gained since then. It is easy to critique it and think of all the different ways I would go about building it now. However, for a first exploration into Rhino software I'm still satisfied with it.  

Laser Cut

    This laser cut project was one of my favorites projects from this class. I really enjoyed exploring the relationship between "home goods" or sentimental objects and the industrial process of laser cutting and engraving. As well, it was interesting to explore the limitations of machines in our modern society. 

    If I were to return to this project, I would continue with the theme of chaos vs control, but I would source a laser cutter that could actually complete the cut jobs. 

Organic Object Model

    This assignment was an interesting take on reverse engineering an object. It was a good use of practice of the Cage Edit tool in Rhino, and I like the resulting little strawberry.  

Reverse Engineered Object

    I found this project to be the most difficult to stay interested in. I like the end result and I liked focusing on a carabiner but the highly detailed and technical component of reverse engineering left very little to interpret artistically. However, it was useful for practicing Rhino skills. 

3D Printed Project 

    This project was a great one to end on because I think it was my most successful, however ironically I wish we had started with it so I would have all semester to continue to explore it. Although, I suppose I wouldn't have a semesters worth of ideas behind me already if we had begun with it. Regardless, my favorite project of the semester and one that I keep thinking about and I believe I will return to. I really enjoy exploring material and processes and the "why" behind each of their use, and this project was a very satisfying vehicle to examine those concepts. I appreciated the amount of artistic license we were given with this project.  



Overall, I'm ending this class with a new sense of curiosity towards our relationship with machines and mechanical processes, and how that might show up in art. I think Rhino will also prove to be a useful tool in the future, as a kind of starting point to begin that commentary on how we interact with machines. I think both my laser cut and 3D print projects feel incomplete to me in a (good!) way that leaves me with motivation and curiosity to keep examining the themes I've only just scratched the surface on.  



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