Project 2 Week 3

Reverse Engineered Object Render

    Our OBDF 210 class was tasked with choosing an object to reverse engineer and then design and render in Rhino. I chose a carabiner because it's an object I use multiple times a week, and it's an object that is a great example of physics and engineering. It's used in a belay system to keep climbers secure, and it's made to be extremely light and extremely strong while also being ergonomic. When climbing, you are very much relying on the carabiners to keep you alive. This one in particular has a locking gate mechanism. 

    I thought the carabiner would make for an appropriate challenge for my level of skill. There are some precise measurements, as well as some interesting contours and textures. By reverse engineering this object I learned quite a bit of on-the-fly problem solving in Rhino. The final render is still not perfect, (I would like the texture on the locking part of the gate), however based on my capabilities when I began this project and how I feel using Rhino now, I'm pleased with the result.  

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View 2

View 3

Detail View

Exploded View


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