Weekly Assignment 3 - 2D Mosaic

 2D Mosaic

I chose my t shirt design to create the 2D mosaic in Rhino because I liked the mixed elements of straight geometric lines and also a floral pattern. 

 I first began by locking the image of the shirt design in Rhino and then creating a separate layer for the picture. I then sectioned off a square so that I had an area of focus in the design, this I made into a separate layer also. I used mostly the line and polyline tool, and sometimes the ellipse shape and the trim tool. After outlining my set area, I put the design on another new layer and then also copied a new "tile" so that I could return to the original design if need be. 

I continued copying the tile and then rotating it to fit so that it slightly overlapped and so that the straight lines from tile to tile wouldn't match up perfectly. 

The resulting pattern is one I really like; because of the rectangular border shape around each small tile, it overall ends up looking like a roll of film at first glance. I like that the straight lines don't perfectly line up, so that the design keeps some of the organic movement of the fabric that I traced it from. 

Large screengrab showing the stages of my design and the layers.

Overall I liked this assignment and I didn't run into too many issues. It was enjoyable to put on a podcast and zone out tracing the design :) 





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